Date: Thu May 17, 2001 2:37 am Hello listmembers, I've just joined this group and right now I don't know where to start. I've been on Prozac for most of the past ten years.. prescribed for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I am in the process of getting off of the stuff and may have permanent neuro damage from being on it for so long. I've tried to get off of it before, the longest time period being off it has been three months. Each time anxiety attacks and migraines made my life so miserable I couldn't manage it, and each time my doctor re-prescribed Prozac. Never was I told that the symptoms might be drug rebound or withdrawl, nor was I given any options. It has been Prozac or torture. About a year ago severe neuro problems arose, and my doctor felt that I may have developed MS. Thankfully a resent MRI came back normal.. whatever that means. Never was there any mention that the cause might be the Prozac. In fact I has been reassured repetedly over the years that the Prozac did not cause the problems I've been having. The doctors advise has always been to double the dose rather than to lower or end it. I took 20mg/day. I'm taking 20mg every other day now, under doctors advise, to wean off it since I adamant that I get off this stuff. I'm mad at myself because I accepted my doctors view of Prozac and didn't look objectivly at it until now. I do research as a matter of habit, and the only excuse I have is that I may have been too afraid that I would find out the truth about the horrors of Prozac. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in '85, and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS) in '90 and have been on the Prozac rollercoaster ever since. I know in my soul that if I don't kick this drug now that it will kill me. The symptoms right now are hell. Insomnia, nightmares, sweats, wanting to crawl out of my skin, anxiety, muscle spasms and cramps. Jolts that will toss me out of my chair or out of bed. Vision problems. I am angry that I have been kept on a drug that is so dangerous and that has made me so sick. I'm not new to support groups. I've been active in CFS/ME groups since '94, and have been a group leader since '96. But right now I feel like a newbie because this topic is new for me. I have come to terms with my disability due to the fibro and the CFS/ME. I can feel at peace with MS as an over time complication of the ME. But my emotions are a wreck right now because of knowing what a demon Prozac is and knowing that it is the reason for my current torment. I need help to get through this.. I hope I've come to the right place with this list.. Phyllis Date: Thu May 17, 2001 2:54 am The sinus problems are constant, so is the shortness of breath and the headaches. Racing heart too. I wish I could flush this junk out of my body and out of my life. I am to scared to try cold turkey, but I want to do just that. What helps?? Huggs, Phyllis Date: Thu May 17, 2001 3:19 am I may be crazy.. but I'm not stoopid ;-] I won't go cold turkey. I may want to stop right now, but I know it is not wise to do so. I want to know the best way to get off of it so I can get off it. Apparently my doctor doesn't even know the right way. Phooey! I've been on one 20mg.pill every other day for the past six weeks. I'm going to try the liquid method. Huggs, Phyllis Date: Thu May 17, 2001 3:43 am Response1: Phyllis, most of us do not even go to the doctors anymore. Doctors have no idea what these drugs do, so they can not tell us how to get off. Good luck Phyllis, Cynthia Date: Thu May 17, 2001 12:45 pm Response2: Phyllis, you are definitely in the right place. Your story sounds so much like mine, except that my doctors have tried about every drug under the sun! After being on Prozac for about a year I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia! Now I wonder if it came from Prozac, I don't know... I'm down to 5mg of Paxil. The past two days have been awful for me. I have been having bursts of anger, then they turn to complete sadness and I cry like a baby. That part has been strange for me cause I hardly ever cried when I was on the drugs (full strength). Now I cry while reading magazines, watching TV...everything seems to move me in one way or another...another thing I was going to mention here is going back to the fibromyalgia thing.... Since tapering back it seems that the fm symptoms have gotten to much worse! I am having days where it hurts to walk because the bottoms of my feet hurt so much! Last week my right knee hurt horribly. I wore a knee brace all day to relieve some of the pain. But then it seemed to move down to my ankle and heel! Then yesterday my right arm hurt horribly...It seemed to be centered in by elbow region, but radiated to my wrist and up to my shoulder. I couldn't get on the computer last night because it hurt so much! Pam Date: Sat May 26, 2001 6:12 pm I had another rough night with pain and dizziness, and woke up to a sick headache. The muscles of my face had pulled tight again, pulling at my left eye and corner of my mouth. I've been reading the book Prozac Backlash by Dr.Joseph Glenmullen (2000), and in the first few pages I saw myself. I also read that most of the problems are reversable with the exception for the tic's, which are untreatable and permanent. My spirit is crying while my body can't. My heart is filled with grief. I took my morning 'dose' and lay there in bed for an hour for it to kick in so that I could truly get up and busy myself so that I could pull my mind away from thoughts of hopelessness. It's been three days since the doseage of prozac was lowered to 7.5mg from 10mg. My mind knows that this is withdrawl and if I have patience and can wait it out the symptoms will go away. But in the time between nightmare and fully awake and functional there is a terrible time of physical pain and mental disorientation where it is all too unbearable to endure. I don't know if I can endure this. Even if I go back to a higher dose.. the neurological damage symptoms do not lessen. My body cannot take these adverse reactions any longer. I have to get off of it or I will die, and some times letting go and leaving my body behind is so very tempting. It feels like all I have to do is to stop fighting and let go. Does anyone know what I mean? All I have to do is to give up, roll over and die. But I am too stubborn to just die,.. except in that moment between sleep and alertness where the pain and sickness overwhelms me. Does anyone here understand? Huggs, Phyllis